Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Madam Tussauds

Back in Febuary a group of residents from the Foyer went to the world famous wax works musuem escorted by the glamours Sue Simms & Christina Lawrence.

Simeon is the captain of the Foyer Football Team... but will Gary Lineker show highlights of CYFs next match on MOD?

Before working at the Foyer, Sue used to be a hostess in a Paris burlesque club. Je Ne Regrette Rien-No. says Sue!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Foyer Health Launch

Cambridge Link

Check a review of CYF on cambridge link up a new website aimed at homeless people in Cambridge.

New membership

The IT Suite is now a member of UK Online . I believe this will be a real benefit to the residents of CYF as we should be able to secure funding to replace the computers we have and give our IT Suite a much needed upgrade! The funding round starts May so I will be writing a bid, which if successful, should provide new computers for us in September.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Soul Skills- Running Group

Soul skills will be running a Running group soon. More information will be up on the Reception notice board soon. so watch this space.
The running group is for young people living in supported housing like us guys. we will also get to do the big run for charities! this is a great oppurtunity for every one who wants to get in shapre and help the community.
so get running guys!

if u would like to participate talk to the members of souls skills. At the foyer you can speak to Simeon or Sharon k
take care
It is that time of the year where we all get to dress up as fictional characters and have a great time trick 'n' treating. However, it's all quiet here at the Foyer?! We need to get ourselves sorted out and organise a Halowe'en party!
After the great success of the BBQ i am sure Simon Allcock has increased his faith in us and will let us have a party. Please come to the Resident's meeting on Tuesday and let the staff know that you would like Halowe'en party!

Happy halowe'en

Monday, November 27, 2006

Amy's Venture Trust

Amy enjoying her adventure in the Highlands! Posted by Picasa